Hey everyone, especially those that have played my first game "Javaders."
First off, I want to thank those in the GF2 forum for helping me with some of the problems I came across during the game. I also want to thank those who have commented and voted on "Javaders." The feedback is awesome.
Speaking of feedback, I'm gonna need more as I am planning on making a sequel. Of course, something bigger with better layout. The graphics and sound are still gonna be the same, but I want some of your ideas that I could use for the game.
One concept would be new aliens for the game, to add to the family of "Javaders." I'm gonna make it a contest, although it won't be anything physical. I'm not that lucky. If you send me an awesome alien, I'll add you to the list of contributors and, if it were to win anything (Although I doubt, do keep this in mind) the winner would get the biggest portion of winnings after me and the artists that I use my music from. They need something for me using their tunes, even if it's usually just aknowledgement.
So yeah. I'm hoping to make the sequel at least .50 points better than the first, and with me getting used to the counters and animations, it may be possible.
So send your ideas and designs and I'll see what can be used.
Rules for "Javader" Design.
-Must keep in the theme of 4-bit/ 8-bit design
-Must be appropriate. This is an E game
-Cannot be bigger than the Mother Javader unless an idea for a boss.
-Must use "Ja" at the beginning of the name to keep in the theme of "Javaders"
-Abilities must be simple, such as shooting different bombs. No leveling or anything.
-As I may include power-ups, you may also suggest power-ups along with your alien.
-Cannot have anything to do with coffee. I'm serious.
See ya!