I don't say FUUUU to this game
I don't know why but I find this game really addictive. The graphics, music and game mechanics aren't new and there are some things that irk me, but yet I can't help really getting into it.
The graphics are, well, not bad. The majority of it is copied from places such as rageface and elsewhere on the internet, but for a game based on memes, that is understandable. I also like how there is a mini face on my character when certain things occur.
Music is good. An 8-bit rendition of Trololo is very fitting and the sound effects aren't imbalanced with it. I do like the option of turning off the music separate from the effects though, as there are just some times that one isn't up to Edward Khil sung at Midi Minor.
The mechanics and gameplay is where I have dropped the point. They're more personal, but I do think they are things that would definitely improve the experience. One is actually with the running. I get a great start but when I have to stop to get adjusted to the screen, I just run in place. I don't know if this is a glitch or the game itself, or maybe it takes a lot of momentum, but it is a bit annoying, much like actual youtube trolls. Hee
Another area is with the upgrades. I like each power-up and I think the prices are reasonable, but why doesn't the game have a way for me to save what I have purchased. There are times that I have to leave and I may have to shut down the browser or computer, or other reasons to leave the game. Then I come back and I have to go over the game again just to get back to where I was. This maybe because there is no actual end to the game, but still, would make things more enjoyable.
Now this is more of a suggestion and not a point where I dropped a point. For nyan cat, if you ever make a sequel, maybe you could make him a one-time purchase, but with a huge increase in price and other modifications to keep balance? Sure it's great to purchase 2 or three but once they're all used, they're gone and the price for a new one doesn't seem to drop, unlike the spike block. Maybe understandable because it's a powerful upgrade, but I think changing it for a possible sequel might make things more enjoyable. (Of course then, Rage would turn into Me Gusta at that one)
There are the odd bugs that do pop up and I guess all those together plus what I have said reduces the mark, not because it is based off memes. Overall, this is a really fun, addicting game that could maybe use some tweaks for the future. Good job and I hope we get a sequel. Maybe toss in a peanut butter jelly time or a not bad Obama for next time.